These words that you will see here on this page are simply a small glimpse into the mind of a girl. A short girl, completely fascinated by green grass, obsessed with curly hair, and one hundred percent in love with her fiance, Jesus Christ. These are, the musings of a short girl. Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Why is everyone a white sheep or a black sheep. Why is being a black sheep a bad thing? Why can't I be a green sheep?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Wedding
So guess what everybody????? My sister just got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! It was amazing! Beautiful! Breath taking! Awe-inspiring! Fantastic! And all other wonderfully good descriptive words there are! I loved it. She looked just like a princess - not even kidding. She had a gorgeous dress with a little tiara in her up-do. And her hair stayed perfect the whole night. In fact, everything went perfect without a single hitch! :) I was so happy for her. I loved watching her float around with this perfect happiness on her face!
I was miserable. My dress was too tight. My hair was so poofy. My shoes hurt so bad. I had the worst headache ever! I had just gotten over being sick so I was tired. Not a single freind in the audience. And yet, I loved every moment of it! I loved it because for one night. For this one magical night. It was all about my sister. It wasn't about me. Everyone could care less about how I felt. And I loved it! My sister was glowing...literally I think. She had finally gotten one night in her life to be all about her. my sister is very much a type-A type person. She organizes every event, and allways helps out. Usually with no credit at all given. She allways pushes herself as far as she can go most of the time with nothing in it for herself. I'm amazed by her! I know I could never do that! I am very much too much fun oriented. But she is inspiring! And in as much as we sit around and joke about eachother, I love death and beyond! And last night was exciting! Because she finally got to be the princess in the center of attention. I loved it!
I danced with her. A slow dance. I asked her what she was feeling. She said she felt like it was the happiest day of her life. And that it was perfect; just how she imagined she wanted it to be. I was ecstactic. This was one time that I didn't care about how horrible I was feeling or how bored I was. Because it was all about her. I didn't make a big scene or try to be the center of attention. It was her time to shine. I embraced it. She loved it. It was beautiful.
I'm so glad God has brought Justin into her life. They are perfect for eachother. She loves him. He adores her. He would do anything for her. They are perfect. I loved watching them last night. Together, now forever. It was a perfect picture of God and the church. His bride. Loving Him. And Him caring for his bride with a love beyond words. I didn't cry....but, as much as I hate to say it; I came close. I think God is so ingenious for coming up with marraige. It is a beautiful thing. Oh dear, now I am really starting to sound like a girly girl. lol Well I suppose I will stop before I just embarrass myself. Anyway, all I have left to say it that it was beautiful...and I've allready said that a thousand times so haha. :)
I was miserable. My dress was too tight. My hair was so poofy. My shoes hurt so bad. I had the worst headache ever! I had just gotten over being sick so I was tired. Not a single freind in the audience. And yet, I loved every moment of it! I loved it because for one night. For this one magical night. It was all about my sister. It wasn't about me. Everyone could care less about how I felt. And I loved it! My sister was glowing...literally I think. She had finally gotten one night in her life to be all about her. my sister is very much a type-A type person. She organizes every event, and allways helps out. Usually with no credit at all given. She allways pushes herself as far as she can go most of the time with nothing in it for herself. I'm amazed by her! I know I could never do that! I am very much too much fun oriented. But she is inspiring! And in as much as we sit around and joke about eachother, I love death and beyond! And last night was exciting! Because she finally got to be the princess in the center of attention. I loved it!
I danced with her. A slow dance. I asked her what she was feeling. She said she felt like it was the happiest day of her life. And that it was perfect; just how she imagined she wanted it to be. I was ecstactic. This was one time that I didn't care about how horrible I was feeling or how bored I was. Because it was all about her. I didn't make a big scene or try to be the center of attention. It was her time to shine. I embraced it. She loved it. It was beautiful.
I'm so glad God has brought Justin into her life. They are perfect for eachother. She loves him. He adores her. He would do anything for her. They are perfect. I loved watching them last night. Together, now forever. It was a perfect picture of God and the church. His bride. Loving Him. And Him caring for his bride with a love beyond words. I didn't cry....but, as much as I hate to say it; I came close. I think God is so ingenious for coming up with marraige. It is a beautiful thing. Oh dear, now I am really starting to sound like a girly girl. lol Well I suppose I will stop before I just embarrass myself. Anyway, all I have left to say it that it was beautiful...and I've allready said that a thousand times so haha. :)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I like blogging. Well, I liked posting the two posts I posted. The problem is.... now I don't know what to write. I feel like after my post about individuality, I ran out of things to tell the world. So I thought I'd ask. What do you want to hear about, world? Do you like funny posts? Serious posts? Or how about ones that inspire you to do something? Or is this all a waste of my time anyway since nobody follows my blog lol. I don't even know if anyone ever even saw the last two posts. MLIA :)
And you know what? I think I like it that way. I like (for now) just living in obscurity with no one caring what little ole me posted today on her blog. No screaming fans. No reporters. No creepers :) Of course, it might not allways be like that for me. If things go as I've planned and dreamed, one day, things wont be like this at all. I will be changing the world. But for now I'm happy with the life God has given me. I'm thankful for every uneventful day that I can curl up on the couch with a good book and popcorn. That doesn't stop me from dreaming big though. Infact, I dream huge....gigantic....colossal...I think you get the point. I am of the opinion that the more you dream and plan, the more you believe that you can do it, and the more you are driven to achieve your goals, the more you will succeed and achieve great things. I want to achieve great things....infact, I want to change the world. I think I day. For now I'm just little ole me, in obscurity. The me that is extremely excited because her statement just rhymed! lol :) So yeah, those are the most recent random thoughts of me, myself, and I. Hope I didn't bore you to death. If you don't want to be bored you should read my last post about was good....sooo umm yeah!
And you know what? I think I like it that way. I like (for now) just living in obscurity with no one caring what little ole me posted today on her blog. No screaming fans. No reporters. No creepers :) Of course, it might not allways be like that for me. If things go as I've planned and dreamed, one day, things wont be like this at all. I will be changing the world. But for now I'm happy with the life God has given me. I'm thankful for every uneventful day that I can curl up on the couch with a good book and popcorn. That doesn't stop me from dreaming big though. Infact, I dream huge....gigantic....colossal...I think you get the point. I am of the opinion that the more you dream and plan, the more you believe that you can do it, and the more you are driven to achieve your goals, the more you will succeed and achieve great things. I want to achieve great things....infact, I want to change the world. I think I day. For now I'm just little ole me, in obscurity. The me that is extremely excited because her statement just rhymed! lol :) So yeah, those are the most recent random thoughts of me, myself, and I. Hope I didn't bore you to death. If you don't want to be bored you should read my last post about was good....sooo umm yeah!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
One book I've been reading of late is called stargirl. You may have heard of it.....or you might not. It's getting pretty popular. It's about a girl...and a boy I guess. Really it's a boy telling the story of a girl. But it's not a normal girl. It's the type of girl that plays her ukelele at lunch and sings happy birthday to people. Who decorates her desk at school everyday, wears long flowing dresses, always cheers for the losing team, and dances in the rain. This isn't an ordinary girl. It's a girl who isn't afraid to be herself. Those type of people are lost in the modern day society. Being yourself is frowned upon...even though all claim to love individuality, they really despise it. Media thrive on everyone wanting to look exactly alike. Movie makers thrive on everyone liking the same type of entertainement. Clothing stores thrive on everyone wearing the exact same thing. Our whole society needs everyone to act the same way, dress the same way, and be the same person. And then they freak out if one person has the nerve to different. That's the way it was in the book. All the kids loved stargirl (that was her name)! At least, they did at first. Yet she was too different for them. They drew a line, basically saying you can only be yourself up to a point. And that happens all over the world. Individuals are contained. They are told they are all fine and dandy up to a point...but they are never allowed to cross that point. And often times they don't. Because they know what follows if they do; they are shunned. They are put into a box that is labeled "Do Not Open". They are made out to be a freak by the media. They are frowned upon by people who have bought the lie that it's not ok to be yourself. And ends. That person is snuffed out and ridiculed. And everyone forgets about them or puts them out of their mind.
Well I for one don't think that this should be the case. I mean, think about it. What if we lived in a world where everyone was encouraged to be themselves! To like their own things and have their own personality! And I'm not talkng about sinning; I don't mean those who feel like breaking the law and sinning should be able to whenever they want. You have to be able to draw a line when things beome just plain wrong. But what if we lived in a place where everyone was encouraged to decorate their desks in school, play the ukelele, have pet rats, read geeky books, and dream big. Where we actually were encouraged to be ourselves! Thats the type of world I want to live in. That's where I want be. And it starts with us. It starts with enough people who are willing to take the risk of being shunned. Who are willing to really find and be themselves. Are you willing?
I wrote a poem about it the other day. It goes like this;
You say your abnormal...what is normal anyway?
You say your not popular...what is so great about being popular, do popular people have better lives? Does God love them more?
You say you don't fit in...why do you want to be the exact same as everyone else? Do you want to be boring?
You say your not stylish...why do you want to wear the exact same clothes as everyone else? Shouldn't everyone have their own style? Don't you want to have yours? Or do you still want to be boring?
You say your weird...what is weird? Is it just being different? What is wrong with not being a clone?
You say nobody likes you...God does; He absolutely loves you! And I promise you there are people out there who like you. No matter who you are or what you've done. :)
Well I for one don't think that this should be the case. I mean, think about it. What if we lived in a world where everyone was encouraged to be themselves! To like their own things and have their own personality! And I'm not talkng about sinning; I don't mean those who feel like breaking the law and sinning should be able to whenever they want. You have to be able to draw a line when things beome just plain wrong. But what if we lived in a place where everyone was encouraged to decorate their desks in school, play the ukelele, have pet rats, read geeky books, and dream big. Where we actually were encouraged to be ourselves! Thats the type of world I want to live in. That's where I want be. And it starts with us. It starts with enough people who are willing to take the risk of being shunned. Who are willing to really find and be themselves. Are you willing?
I wrote a poem about it the other day. It goes like this;
You say your abnormal...what is normal anyway?
You say your not popular...what is so great about being popular, do popular people have better lives? Does God love them more?
You say you don't fit in...why do you want to be the exact same as everyone else? Do you want to be boring?
You say your not stylish...why do you want to wear the exact same clothes as everyone else? Shouldn't everyone have their own style? Don't you want to have yours? Or do you still want to be boring?
You say your weird...what is weird? Is it just being different? What is wrong with not being a clone?
You say nobody likes you...God does; He absolutely loves you! And I promise you there are people out there who like you. No matter who you are or what you've done. :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First Post
Hello there! This is my first time dabbling into the ready and waiting world of blogging. It's something I've always wanted to try but never have. Please excuse me if I randomly start speaking in old's a bad habit I have from reading too many fantasy books. Now what to talk about first...hmmm. I was flowing along great until I actually started thinking about what to talk about lol. Well when all else fails I talk about me. That sounded sort of conceited...but I don't know enough about you (or much else for that matter) to talk about that so I shall resort to what I know completely inside and out, me! I'm just a crazy short girl living in a very big world. And don't let those strange people who like cliche sayings fool you, it really is very big!
As I mentioned before I like reading as well as writing, singing, shopping, playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, painting, acting and a whole bunch of other things. I'm definitely an artsy person - I love all things creative! Give me a coke can and I'll make it art!
All in all I'm just a happy person that hopes my being here has made the world just a little bit of a brighter place. :)
As I mentioned before I like reading as well as writing, singing, shopping, playing guitar, listening to music, drawing, painting, acting and a whole bunch of other things. I'm definitely an artsy person - I love all things creative! Give me a coke can and I'll make it art!
All in all I'm just a happy person that hopes my being here has made the world just a little bit of a brighter place. :)
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