First off I guess you should know that I orginally intended to go with my friends Rebekah and Danielle. We were gonna get ready together and take pictures and then go to prom and have a sleepover afterwards. But, unfortunately, this didn't exactly work out. Our plans kind of fell through and I actually ended up getting ready by myself (my mom was out of town and my dad was at work). Now don't feel sorry for me...I actually rather enjoyed it. I had no one to distract me and I never had to help anyone else put their look together. So it was rather peaceful, home alone, tranquilly getting ready and dreaming and wondering what it'd be like. I also felt very independant and confidant. So that was all ok.
Next I arrived at prom (an hour early cause my dad had to be there early because he was working as a security person.) I hung around and chatted with peoples I knew ( and didn't know) till the doors opened. I registered and walked on the "red carpet" (the theme was classic movies and academy awards type things.) into a world of enchantment.
My favorite was the phantom of the opera. :)
Now I'm going to let you take a closer glimpse at the workings of my mind just now. Whenever I'm in a large place, with lots of people, and were all dressed up, I automatically imagine something. I imagine the same room, the same decorations, the same music and everything, but without any people. It's allways just me dancing in a beautiful gown by myself. I love picturing that. I don't know why, but I do it quite often. My brain just seems to like imagining everybody away, leaving me to be alone in wonderful, peacful quiet, to dance. Thats what I was thinking of when I walked into that room.
Anyway, sorry for the bunny trails. I shall continue. We ate a delectible meal, I met many new people and it was all very lovely...until the dancing started. Then things turned awesome! There's just something about me and music. Especially if it's fun music I know. I just can't stop my body from moving! My feet start first and I give myself up to the call of the dance. There were times I was too tired to sip my water and yet as soon as a good song came on I'd be back and dancing. I just can't help it!
Another rather frightening/cool thing about the dancing part was the floor. You see, we were on the second floor of the hotel and everytime everyone on the dance floor was jumping...the floor was jumping too. Literally. If you stood still you could feel it bouncing up and down. and not just little bouncing either. No, this was definitely like jumping-three-or-four-inches-up-and-down-both-ways type bouncing. It was pretty cool...I rather wanted to pretend to be the old man from Freaky Friday and start running around screaming EARTHQUAKE!!! lol
Hmmm so what else... Well, I was going great dancing till about midnight. Then I started to wind down a little bit. You see, I got a cold two days before so I was still a little sick and that doesn't bode well with dancing all night long. lol
Anyway, sorry for the bunny trails. I shall continue. We ate a delectible meal, I met many new people and it was all very lovely...until the dancing started. Then things turned awesome! There's just something about me and music. Especially if it's fun music I know. I just can't stop my body from moving! My feet start first and I give myself up to the call of the dance. There were times I was too tired to sip my water and yet as soon as a good song came on I'd be back and dancing. I just can't help it!
Another rather frightening/cool thing about the dancing part was the floor. You see, we were on the second floor of the hotel and everytime everyone on the dance floor was jumping...the floor was jumping too. Literally. If you stood still you could feel it bouncing up and down. and not just little bouncing either. No, this was definitely like jumping-three-or-four-inches-up-and-down-both-ways type bouncing. It was pretty cool...I rather wanted to pretend to be the old man from Freaky Friday and start running around screaming EARTHQUAKE!!! lol
Hmmm so what else... Well, I was going great dancing till about midnight. Then I started to wind down a little bit. You see, I got a cold two days before so I was still a little sick and that doesn't bode well with dancing all night long. lol
consdering my love of the dance) but I would still jump up and dance another good song every few minutes. It was getting toward the end of the evening and I was sitting out more and more songs when they played fireflies. My head shot up (as well as my feet) and I flew to the dance floor with renewed energy. I love that song, you see, and owl city's songs in general just sort of play the music of my heart. lol So i danced and sang (lip-sang actually for I had no voice by the end of that night) and had mucho enjoyable fun on what was to be my last dance. For, you see, after that my feet decided they were done and so the sort of swelled to where I couldn't walk.- Much to my disappointment as well as the boy who had asked me to dance the real last dance with him. lol
But that was all ok, for I enjoyed resting and watching all the peoples radiant faces as they frolicked, laughed and twirled, just as much as I would have enjoyed dancing myself.
By the time the night was over I had a head full of wonderful memories, a throat full of frogs, two feet full of...non-walkableness, and a mouth full of smiles.
It was a truly enjoyable time. Thank God for creating joy, dancing, and celebrations.