So, I happened to have gone roller-blading tonight...even though its technically called roller-skating. I decided to be cool and go with roller-blading :p Actually, the cool people wore skates cause you can move around and do cool dance moves better. But, as for the reason I chose blades, it's for one reason: you can go fast. :D Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not like a ricky-bobby, steal the car and go vrooom! it's more like the feeling of flying whithout worrying about killing people or just sitting in a car. There's something about getting up your momentum and then just standing still as your flying past people. The feeling of going super fast while not making a single move, arms spread out. It's amazing. But, after tonight, I have two main thoughts.
Number one: Skating will very quickly make you a very mean person. Explanation? When you first get there, you care about the little kids that are falling on their behinds. You stop and ask if they're ok. By the middle of your time there, you start not even caring when they fall, by the end, you don't even see them falling at all until you run over them...yeah. Not good. But, if you think about it, it's sort of how we sometimes view life. When you're a child, and you hear about starving and dieing people all over the world for the first time, you care. Deeply. You want to help. You're ready to take on the world all by youself. By the time you're a teen to young adult, you don't really care, or you do care, but you're not going to do anything more than donating some clothes and a few cans of food. And finally, I can't say anything about old people, cause I've never been old...or asked one about how they feel about the problems of the earth. Anyway, just a thought.
Second thought: Roller blading is the perfect outing for someone who likes to be alone with their many thoughts, feel cool, and go fast :)
That was definitely me.
I'm okay with that. In fact, the whole, dark lights and love songs atmosphere just made it all better. No sarcasm. Listening to the worldly love songs saying all they need is love to make them happy and watching people holding hands and such, literally made it better. Because I was able to stand there and say, hey you know what, I got God. I don't need any earthly love because I got the best boyfreind ever! He's better than yours times a million!!! Not that I'm against relationships or anything. But God will always be my number one. :) And that's way better than having some earthly fallable boy to be my only number one...or technically number two by the worlds standards. Personally, I would never want myself as number one either, things would get way too hectic!
Number three thing: I know I said there would be only two but I just thought of something else.
To add to the going fast thing, I like the feeling of flying. Like seriously, it's always been my dream. I was born to fly. And not in an airplane. Thats dumb. I don't want to just sit the seat-belted, I want to fly. Not jump, not dive, not fall. No, I want to fly. I want the feeling of soaring without your feet being pulled to the ground. I can fly in almost all of my dreams, so I know exactly how it feels. But for now, roller blading, gliding super fast, is a great substitute.
But, I think that's all I have to say for now....
It's funny how much I think about while simply roller skating and eating popcorn lol
Hope I didn't scare you with my overactive mind.
Hange loose :)