I felt the trees passing, I felt their cries. I heard the grass weeping and I gasped at the words of the wind. The flowers sat gossiping and my fingers froze, I looked for music and found none. Quality had left with the road-runners.
I sat there wondering at the world and marveling at the actions of humans. Was I one of those too?!
Did you ever listen to the whispers of the rose to the daffodils? Or only to the songs of the trees. Or were you too busy yelling. I’ve been so close to losing you I’ve sincerely wondered if I would have anything to go back to left on my own. All my scrappy bridges caught fire ages ago. I don’t have a heart of my own to keep them whole.
I watched the people and couldn’t understand them. I watched you and couldn’t understand it. I watched myself and was more lost than ever.
I watched God and finally fell asleep. I didn’t take the time for the one thing that kept me dreaming though. I’m not that smart.
I can smell the grass in my memory-container sometimes and I smile in thinking about how it used to actually exist in my world. It’s like I want it gone but at the same time I don’t know how to keep it around and exist without feeling. Exist without you. To live would be the greatest death of us all.
I don’t make sense to even myself and certainly not to the world, but therein lies my plight for which I fight for the right.
I caress your face with broken hands and smile in contentment with what I’ve been given. Two working legs.