So guess what world? I have discovered something! And it is a very good and happy something. Which is good, because I like good and happy things! Anyway, I discovered that, quite simply, I like being me. But let me back up and show you how I have reached this conclusion.
The other day....ok month, I issued myself a challenge; I was going to try as hard as possible to be myself in every situation. I want to let you know right off the bat that I have never had more fun than the past couple months. Wait, scratch that, I have had more fun, back when I was a little kid that didn't have a care in the world about anything and didn't have any drama. But let's save drama for another post shall we?
This past month or so I have found myself making choices in every situation, whether or not to sing a song or not, to wear certain clothes or not, to walk a funny way or not, to laugh at stupid things or not, to do crazy things only I would do or not. I must admit, that being myself didn't allways win. I did choose to be normal sometimes, and sometimes that's ok, but sometimes it's not. Sometimes, we need to be exactly how God created us to be. And you know what I found out through all this? Being yourself is fun! I truly have enjoyed not caring what people think of me! It's like a whole new world! I've decided I'm going to try and keep it up. I want to be me forever. Wouldn't that be awesome! Being your own person your whole life! Being yourself, who you are in God, forever. Yeah, thats how I want to live. :) How about you?
That's it! I'm going to issue you a challenge! For the next month just be who you are whithout caring what others think, see how you like it. Just be the way you were created in God, and tell me if your happier, I almost gaurentee you will be. So yeah, try it, you'll like it!....oh dear I sound like infomercial now....I'm gonna stop.
i like this :)
haha thank you :)