Sunday, December 27, 2009

"The heart"

A heart breaks over the
silliest things...
a world turned
upside down
for the lost
the least
for so many things
...maybe not so silly

A heart breaks
far to frequently...
for the lost
for the least
for the hurts
for the pain
for the loneliness and rejection
for this world
for the constancy
of injustice
it happens all the time...

A heart is all ways
under so much pressure
being twisted
and turned
screaming in pain
this way and that...
constantly bombarded
by emotions

Some choose to ignore it
yes some ignore
there very own heart
They lock it up
They swallow the key
and build
a ten foot wall
around it
made of brick.

But a heart neglected dies
it turns to stone
and a stone heart
is no heart at all.

Some take their heart
and wear it on their sleeve
handing it to every stranger
that happens to
pass them by
They give in to emotion
they live a life of
it controls them.

But a heart dies
when it is overused
ripped out
and put on a sleeve.

Some choose to live
through it
to do the motions
to bear their heart
but not be affected
they live life
not really ever
having lived
at all.

But a heart dies
when it is set in the motions
in the body
and not listened to.

And then their are the some
who make the choice
who choose to give
their heart away
they give it to God
who takes its breaking
who takes its twisting
who take its screaming
and holds it
in His hands
letting go.

And a heart given to God
is the very best thing,
for any heart,
of all.

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