Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Father, the Son, and the Bible?

I'm gonna tackle a tough subject today. It's one that a lot of people don't like to talk about. It's one that happens to be extremely controversial. Some people are even scared of it. I'm gonna talk about the Holy Spirit.
First, let me start off with a disclaimer. I disclaim that I know everything. I disclaim I am always right. I disclaim that I am fully learned on this subject. I only claim to have a personal relationship with God and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The rest you may decide for yourself if it is true. Better yet, look it the's a good book.
So I've been thinking on this subject since my youth pastor brought it up and was teaching on it. I didn't completely agree with him...but then again, I don't really completely agree with most people..on a lot of get the picture.
I've heard said by some that when it comes to things of the Holy Spirit that aren't mention in scripture, the "gray areas", that you should just completely back away and "air on the side of caution." This phrase frustrates me to no end. It's not that I don't want to be cautious. I mean, we are talking about eternal damnation and peoples souls here right? But to me, Christianity has always been about taking a leap of faith, taking risks, doing crazy things for God that might look stupid in the eyes of man. I mean, the disciples were all sitting around at nine in the morning filled with the Holy Spirit and doing such crazy things that people thought they were drunk! Even early in the morning! The thing is, that's the example put before us in the Bible. It's God saying, "This is my Holy Spirit that I sent to you, do not be afraid of functioning in Him...even when people think you're drunk."
Of course I know the comeback, that the Bible also specifically talks about having orderly worship in 1 cor 14. I'm not gonna argue with the Bible. I believe in it 100%. But you have to be careful of getting so orderly that we quench the Holy Spirit.
And that's just it. The fact is, sometimes it seems people like to unknowingly reorder the trinity. They like to say it is really God, Jesus, and the Bible.
Now of course the Bible is living and active, God breathed and every word is true. Of course it is the perfect instruction set for our lives. And of course the Holy Spirit will not say anything that conflicts with it. But we can not simple avoid any area the Holy Spirit tries to bring to us just because it's not clearly outlined in the Bible. You have to be willing to take those risks for God. God is not going to let an unbeliever get completely turned off to God just because you were sincerely trying to listen to Him and follow what he says. You're not always going to be right of course, and sometimes you may even miserably fail at what you try to do. But God's still there, still helping you. He's not going to sit up there and look at you with a big frown on His face saying "Ulp, another one just failed, write him off, he's no good to us anymore...the big failure."
No, sometimes, you just have to go on faith...and isn't that what Christianity is all about? One more note on this subject: to hear God clearly, and to be sure you know when the Holy Spirit is actually prompting you to do something it helps to practice. The more you talk to him in whatever way he reaches you (for me it's a small voice in my head, for others it's pictures, for some it's just reading the word, or getting a sign or something), the more you will know when he is actually telling you to do something. His sheep hear and know His voice. John 10:14,27
Another thing I wanted to get to is the fact of there being so much controversy on the subject (esp. of tongues) that some will just avoid it all together. My thought to that is, did you ever stop to think that the reason there is so much controversy surrounding tongues and other workings of the Holy Spirit because the devil is doing anything to stop the use of it? Because it is just so POWERFUL that he's scared out of his mind of ti? I mean, the Holy Spirit is the one that gives us our power over things in this world in the first place! Luke 1:35, Acts1:8, Acts 10:38, Rom 15:13
People can make excuses all day long about why the workings of the Holy Spirit are things to be wary of and to keep in a safe little box so as to not scare anybody away. But, if a person can't handle this "scary" aspect of God, how are they going to function in heaven? My bet is, heaven is going to be full to the brim with tongues, holy laughter, falling down, weeping for joy, people screaming halleluiahs, absolutely crazy dancing, and even more things we can't even imagine. :D
But let take a step back here. Another argument is that you can't just be super charismatic in church or else it could possibly be a turn off to a non-believer. To answer this question how about we get inside the mind of one? My brother. He's most definitely saved now and he's completely on fire. But one thing he said that held him off from the church was the very fact that it just seemed dead. Even when people would raise their hands and go to the alter it wasn't enough. The thing that turned his head were churches that were actually functioning in the holy spirit going crazy for God. It made him want what they had. He wanted to be that alive. And personally, when I take a step back into that view, I think that's what I would want too.
Anyway, I've made this far too long and have probably ranted too much. Again though, I'd like to say this is definitely isn't the final word on this subject. It's not even my final word. I'm still growing and learning everyday. I may have a completely different view in five years! So yeah, go home...oh wait you probably are home....well anyway, pick up your Bible and study this for yourself. Acts is a good place when talking about being filled with the Holy Spirit and 1 Cor 12-13 talks a lot about spiritual gifts. So there....The End.

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