Well I guess what I'm gonna try to do here is write. Just write out all the main events and what God was working inside of me at those times. Then maybe I can use a version of what I write out here in my letter...yeah, that sounds good. So bear with me, this is going to be a bit of a read.
So England, the first thing you need to know about England is how incredibely beautiful it is. Everything. Green grass, green trees, green fields, beautiful mist, and stately old yet beautiful houses everywhere. Not to mention their flowers all bloom brightly in 40 degree weather lol.
Second thing, there's a lot of litter. Now this may be a more surprising fact to you, but there is a lot of litter, on the streets and on pretty green grass. The funny thing is though, these two things I mention are incredibely telling of the heart of the country itself. On the outside, it's gorgeous, beautiful, old, vintage, foggy, history-ridden, and lovely. But the hearts of the people there are so. lost. I talked to one of my friends I met there and she said in her school of a hundreds of people, about five that she knows of are saved. So many people there are desperately lost. It's heart-breaking. They are a beautiful people with a wonderful culture and an amazing history, but they have strayed so far away from God. It really does break your heart.
Another thing about England: There are beautiful old churches that look like this everywhere:

But the number of people in attendance at these churches is usually around ten to fifteen or less...and the people are about as old as the churches themselves. (jk...sort of lol) Still though, it's rather sad.
Anyway, one thing that we would do on the sundays when we were there would be to split up into groups and visit several churches during the morning, or evening services. That way we were able to minister to several different people and churches across the board. Different things we would do in the services included giving our testimonies, dancing, leading worship, singing, doing skits, and I would paint. This was truly a blessing to us as well as them. We got to meet and talk with so many strong and faithful christians and they got to see youth such as ourselves stand up and declare our passion for the Lord. That was something interesting about England, although there are many older people in the church and they sometimes have large children ministries, youth and young adults are virtually non-existant in the church. So it was encouraging to all the older generations to see us youth boldly declaring His name. You see, in England, faith is somewhat considered to be a private thing. Something decided by the individual and to be kept to the individual. This may be one of the reasons for the church's shrinking numbers. But while we were there, you could tell that the church was being convicted. I believe God was already planting those seeds of awakening. Awakening the older generations to reach out to the younger. To draw their own children and grandchildren back into the fold. To not be afraid of speaking up for the gospel, even in their own homes. In fact, one night after several of us had shared our testimonies in front of the church, a man walked out of the service with tears streaming down his face. He was too overcome with emotion to talk about it. But we got the gist of it was just how much he was struck by our williness to talk about our passion for the Lord. It was funny, our testimonies, because in the end, it didn't really matter what we said, the fact we said anything at all was enough for God to work with. :)
Anyway, now another thing I mentioned above was me painting. Say wha? You ask. Well, one way I worship God is through art and painting. God will give me a picture, and while listening to worship music or such, I'll simply paint it out. Now, in England I had the wonderful oppurtunity of doing that during the services in front of the whole church. I would get up there at the beginning, and paint what God had showed throughout the entire service. Let me just tell you right now: So. Much. Fun. I think I'll remember that feeling for the rest of my life. :) And what was truly amazing was how God would use my paintings. Like this one for instance:

This is actually two paintings put together to make one. It represents England on the left (with green fields, old houses, and driving on the wrong side of the road) and Texas on the right (with yellow grass, blue sky, and tall buildings.) The meaning is that even though were seperated by an ocean and we may seem different, God created each of us in His image and loves us all the same. So I drew people from England; young and old, and people from America; young and old, together in a circle around God's heart, celebrating His love and salvation.
The cool thing about this painting, is that it ended up becoming the symbol of our mission trip. We would take it wherever we would share about God: schools, churches, homeless ministries, etc. And in all those places I got to talk about it's meaning and how I worship God through art. It was soooo amazing! God is so incredibely good :)
The second painting I did was on the day before we were to go home; a sunday night. And it is more personal. It's really rather a picture of my testimony:

This one represents the song "Safe in His arms" by Phil Wickham. Which was a song we sang a lot on the trip. The painting means that no matter how many things(deamons, distractions and such) of the world are trying to get at us, we will always be safe in His arms.
So yeah, theres that. So now I've told you about the services we did in the church, but real quick before I move on I just want to mention how loving all these older people were. I am downright convinced that they didn't have a spec of judgementalness in them. They were all totally fine with us coming in and completely rearanging their services. With our contemporary songs, skits, paintings, and testimonies, they were only ever 100% loving. So. Amazing.
Moving on; the schools. One other thing that we were able to do almost every day we were there was go into primary school assembly's. (Primary schools are what they call elementary schools in England.)
We would just go in, and talk in front of the whole school about "being an american" and include God into that. Then we would do a christian children's song, and maybe read a story. And every time, I got to show them all my painting and talk about it. See that was the nice thing about the schools in England, you could talk freely about God, since that's officially the queen's religion. So we did, and we had a wonderful time talking with and answering questions of the many beautiful children there. It was heart-warming.
Side note: We worked with a lot of children the whole time we were there...and I mean a lot! Now that may not seem important to you, but you see, I don't work well with kids...at all. I actually don't even, (or didn't before this trip) like them. I didn't like talking to them or even being around them. But that was truly one of the biggest miracles for me in England. God completely turned that around! I worked amazingly well with the kids, and in the end I ended up wanting to take them all home with me. They were just too cute! And me ever saying that at all is truly a miracle. :) Praise God!
While we were in England we also visited the lighthouse homeless ministry, which is part homeless shelter and part rehab. And let me tell y'all what, God is moving there!! And big time! I mean it. You can feel His presence the moment you walk in the door and the hearts of the men there are so full of His spirit and grace. It's truly amazing. These men are struggling so much with drugs and alcohol and homelessness, and yet they are so ready to dance and worship and sing out on the top of their lungs to praise their father. There was even one homeless man there who had written out two notebooks full of poetry and songs to God. They were so simple and yet you could tell his entire heart was in it. Another man names Robert was there that night, and several of our group prayed over him to recieve healing from his alcahol addiction. We've now recieved word that he's been 100% set free and has not had (or wanted) a drop of alcohol since. It was truly an amazing experience.
The last ministry-oriented thing I'd like to share with you is about the friday night youth club we went to. This was one of the view oppertunities we had to reach out to youth our own ages. So, here's how it went: we tried to open up the evening with worship, carson (who plays guitar) and I (on the mic) led a couple songs. The problem was, the kids didn't seem to care..at all. They just kind of shrugged us off and kept talking. What was amazing though, was that as I sang out the worship songs, I looked out at the reaction of our group, my friends, in the back. They were praying like they'd never prayed before. You could tell. Many of them were pacing in the back and practically calling down heaven. It was really cool for me to watch on stage. Still though, the English kids didn't really seem to be getting into it. Course we didn't find out why till later. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Anyway, Carson and I wrapped up the worship songs and as I was getting off stage Keva (one of our pastors) told me that some of the English youth might have talents they'd want to show everybody. So I went back up and asked for any of that, one girl sang a beautiful song, and another slightly-nerdy looking kid beat-boxed (amazingly well! I might add). It was just a fun and silly time that you could tell they were more used to. So we let them have their fun for a little while. But then we performed our skit for them. Now I don't know if you ever have seen the "everything" skit to the song by lifehouse, but if not, you should definitely look it up on youtube right now. So. Amazing. And we performed it for the kids. They were instantly shocked. All their goofiness and unwilliness to be serious vanished. They suddenly were all staring at us with big eyes. I think it really penetrated their hearts. Then afterwards three of us got up and gave our testimonies, including me. It was actually the only time I gave my testimony all week. And I felt like it was the right time. I was nervous. But God took over, and I think I said everything that needed to be said, and everything that didn't. There were lots of things I remembered later that I could have talked about, but I know in my heart that God hand-picked the things that came out of my mouth. Thank goodness lol. But we had them, they were all wide-eyed and listening. The skit had broken down some walls, I think. And they suddenly trusted us. And when we bared ourselves to them, sharing how we've messed up yet still are saved by God no matter what. I think some of them truly believed us. There was just one thing. We were all told, after the night was over, that none of them were probably saved. None of them attended church regularly, and this was just a hang out spot for them to keep them off the streets. We had no idea. Suddenly we were all thinking, oh, well then we shouldn't have poured on the worship so thick, or I could have simplified my testimony, or we could have this, or we should have that. Then I realized something, God had a plan, He had a reason that they forgot to tell us these kids weren't saved. Maybe God wanted them to see it thick, to see it real, to see all of our hearts poured into this God. And the coolest part of the story is, the next sunday morning, two of the guys showed up at church. They had never been to a church service in their lives. They didn't even have any idea of when it started, they just walked there together early in the morning, hoping they wouldn't miss it. It was truly an amazing miracle of God. Praise Him from Whom all blessing flow, eh? :)
So let me see, now I've told you about the churches, the schools, the lighthouse, and the youth club, so what's left? Well the non-important stuff I guess lol.
Those things include that we went to Sherwood Forest, saw what they believe was Robin Hoods Hideout. Visited the Wentworth house which is the largest house in Europe, visited the Chattsworth house and grounds where the Duke and Duchess live and where parts of Pride and Prejudice were filmed. Visited John and Charles Wesley's rectory in Epworth and walked around the town seeing the different historical places that they preached. Went to Meadow Hall in Sheffield which is the biggest mall I have ever been to in my life. And on the last day we went to London where we saw Big Ben, the ferris wheel, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, and the crown jewels. All in all, as you can imagine, every single one of our days was jam-packed with stuff to do. We hardly ever got a moments rest. But I'm extremely grateful for the experience as I know it's one I will remember for the rest of my life.
And now, just know that there are a billion other stories just as amazing that I have not been able to tell you. I only wish I had time to write out (and you had time to read) all the other amazing things that God did in and through us there. It's truly left a deep imprint on my mind. I'm continually processing things that happend and amazing things God showed me every day. I will also be continually in prayer for every seed that was planted while we were there, and I ask that you would be too. God's starting a mighty work in England. I get emails from some of the friends I made there talking about how the spiritual warfare is getting stronger. And it's incredibely exciting :D So yeah, God's good...I guess that's all I have to say. :)
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