Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is the day my beautiful Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. :D

Hello beautiful! I don't even know who you are, but right now I think you're beautiful. I think everybody is beautiful. I think everything is beautiful. I think life is beautiful.

Did I mention I'm having a good day? lol

I just feel happy...I rather like feeling happy...just so you know. lol ;)

Anyway, one good thing that comes with me feeling happy is that I become inspired! Inspired to write, to paint, to twirl, to smile, to dance, to sing, to make music, to laugh, and to blog.

So here'y'are! A blog full of mindless nothings and happy ramblings. :)

So hmm what's up...well, I went to prom last saturday. That was fun! Always is :) Homeschool prom is where it's at! And then afterwards it was off and away to visit a neverending stream of relatives in Austen, San Antonio, and San Marcos. Admittedely I'm quite an awkward child around my dear relatives. I love sitting and listening to their a point. And when that point comes..the point in which I start fidgiting and spacing out and desperately thinking of any way possible to excuse myself and escape to a back room. I don't know what it is...I guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm always the only teeager in a room full of adults all over fifty and nobody talks to me..haha yeah... that's probably it. lol
But ya know, I don't really mind it. Sure, I may be an introverted bump-on-a-log while I'm around them, but I do enjoy listening to the conversations. Especially when it's my aunt and uncle on my dad's side. They are so on fire for Jesus! Just hearing all their stories about miracles and revivals and things God is doing in and around them, even in their lifes right now, is so exciting! If I ever live that long, that's what I want to just sit around and talk about. :) And I want to have that going on in my life at 60+! Heck yes! Please and thank you :)

Anyways, my dear peeps, there are other things going on in my life as well. Good things, bad things, amazing things. I'm not going to go into all of it, but just know, I'm taking the good with the bad and praising God through it all. :)
That's something I've really been digging in with God lately. He showed me so many wonderful passages with neverending praises for His glorious name! It's exciting to me. Just how awesome our God is I guess. So I started my own psalm book to Him! In this amazingly cool old journel I bought in England. I'm just writing out my prayers, praises, poems, songs and requests to God. I love it! It's just a wonderfully special time with my Savior/Lover/Creator. I love Him. So. Much.

Can you tell?

I hope you're laughing right now...cause I'm laughing at myself. ;)

Anyways, for now, I shall probably depart. Even though I have said absolutely nothing of consequence this entire blog...but then, does anybody ever? What are our human words in the grand scheme of thing? Just a breath into the passing wind. Wonderful, isn't it? :)

So ta-ta for now dear ones, love life, love eachother, and most of all, love True Love, the Lover of us all.

*insert incredibely uber smiley face with a big hug attatched here*

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