Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I am 16 going on 17! ..Oh wait...not anymore...

So today is (drum-roll please) myyyy.......Birthday! Yaaay! Woot! Cheers! Fireworks! ...ok, well maybe not quite fireworks lol ;)

But anyway, it's true, today is officially the day in which I turn 17. Now 17 is not usually considered a milestone birthday, but I am, in this blogpost, going to point a couple of things that change.

For instance, were I to be arrested for something I would officially go to real big-people jail instead of Juv.

Also, as of today I can officially join the army.

And the city curfew does not apply to me anymore.

And last but not least, I can no longer officially sing the song: "I am 16 going on 17!"

So again, there's nothing too overly exciting about this birthday. I suppose I am more excited about the fact that I shall soon be a senior!!! Woot! Yay! Cheers!

Haha some interesting facts about my grade I am in would include:

We graduate in 2012 before the world is excpected to end. Hence: we're so important the world waits to end just so we can graduate! ;)

And two, what grade I am in progesses with the years, for instance, when I was in fifth grade, it was 2005, and when I was in eighth grade it was 2008. Cool huh?

Haha anyway, on the more serious side I'd like you to know that I view a birthday as a sort of new years resolution type time in my life. Now I know many people don't agree with the "new years resolution" type goals that are easily made and easily broken. But I've always viewed them as rather a time to take a closer look at my relationship with Christ and serious discuss with Him ways I can change for the better. How can I be more christ-like to others in my life? Type questions. And I also like to do this on my birthday. It's simply a time for me to sit down and say: how do I want to remember my 17th year of life. Do I want to remember fighting with my parents all the time and being rebelious? Or would I rather remember seriously pursueing the Lord in my relationships with others by being respectful, humble, sweet, encouraging, loving, and in terms of those in authority over me: obediant. Obviously the second choice. So yeah, I started this morning by studying my bible. And I want that to become a habit, not only reading it sometime during the day, but in the morning, starting out my day. I feel like when we start out our day listening to God and discoveringmore of Him, it changes our attitude for the remainer. Even if we had woken up on the wrong side of the bed and we feel predisposed to be cranky and mean that day, I feel if we discipline ourselves to crack open that bible and actually seek to hear what God has to say, it can change our entire outlook. So yeah, that's just one thing i've been thinking.

Also, I found this wonderful verse i'd like to make a goal for myself the other day. It goes something like this:

"3 Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— 4 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God."
1 Peter3:3-4

I feel as though this was written to me. I'm ashamed to admit I'll spend hours in front of the mirror trying on clothes and doing my hair to go somewhere, and then go and snap at my parents when they ask me to do something. God has been pointing this out to me lately and working on that place in my heart. I'm continually asking Him to change me to where I don't care so much about what clothes I'm wearing as about the attitude I'm wearing, for I know which one is more important.

Anyway, just some thoughts and birthday resolutions here for ya. Keep me accountable, kay? Haha thanks.

Much love,

17 year old Anna :)

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