Hey guys, I'm back! Yes, that's right, the overly happy/silly/rather annoying Anna is throuh with this hybernating bizz. It took a little longer than I expected, but by most standards it wasn't long at all. I just know with how much I freaking love God I can't hold out very long. :)
So what brought me back, you ask? Well, it's pretty simple..alot more simple than I thought it would be really. I just had to obey God. There were a few more things he had asked me to too. They were floating in the back of my head. I thought, that's not from God, or, that won't help anything. Most of it was just fear really though. It had to do with cutting off some ties to things of the past. Cutting out some reminders, surrenduring it all. And when I finally did, when I finally relenquished that last little bit of control I was holding onto, miracles happened. No joke guys, I could literally feel a weight come off my back. I was freed. I'm free to be happy again. I'm free to truly focus on God again. I'm free to be ever more in love, passionately in love with Him. It. Is. Wonderful. :) So, I hope you're happy for me, and I hope this lesson I've learned will stick with me for a long while.
In other news! Just a glimpse into this texas weather we've been having: It was 70 degrees on sunday. Tuesday, we got a layer of ice on all the ground and roads. It was in and out of the single digits, and nobody could get anywhere. Thursday, I believe, it was colder here than in Alaska... It stayed this way until friday, which it then proceeded to snow five inches on top of the ice...but people had gotten so fed up with being in their houses by then, that many people were trying to drive anyway... let's just say not with good results. Then today, Sunday, it went back up to 50 degrees and all the ice and most of the snow melted....Welcome to Texas. lol
Well, anyway my peeps, I've been having an absolutely wonderful week apart from being stuck inside. I can only hope the same for you. Jus know for now, God's deliverance is wonderful, like nothing you've ever known. Sometimes I feel just too happy for words. This, my friends, this relationship with Jesus Christ, is surely what life is all about. :D
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