Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines day :)

Hey, so you know something we don't think about much on valentines day?

Loving our enemies.

That's sure not something Hallmark sells, is it? At least I sure don't see many cards saying:

"Hey, I know you backstabbed me and bullied me for so many years, but it's ok. I've forgiven you. I love you anyway. Happy Valentines day! :)"

It's just not something we like to think about.

No, we like to think of only two things. We take sides. Couples or singles. Valentines or Singles Awareness Day. Puppy-love or bitterness.

Or, every now and then there's the single that says they love their family and friends.
Puupy love, bitterness, or loving those dear.

And that is, sad as it is, what sells. That's the lie we've accepted. Even when it means so. much. more.

I'm talking about True Love. I'm talking about what every single human being was created for. We were created to Love. We were created with a need to be loved. We were created with a God's-love shaped hole in our hearts. And yet we stuff so many other kinds of love in it. We think the world's different definitions of love will fill it....and we are sadly mistaken.

Because the Love we were created for is greater than anything we can imagine. It holds the entire world together. It is the basis of salvation. It is our reason for living. It is our purpose. It is the gospel. It is all we need.

God revealed this all to me last night.

I was getting flustered. I was becoming overwhelmed by all the "works" aspect of christianity. How much I wasn't doing. How much I should be doing. Asking God over and over to change me. Because I wasn't being good enough.
Then it hit me....or rather, God hit me.
He told me in a loud resounding voice to just shut up. And then He told me this:

"I created you to have the faith of a child. That means simplistic faith. And in that faith, only one thing matters.




He repeated this several times, each time pausing in between. Giving me time to reflect.

And then He said:

"I only ask that you return the favor, and everything else will follow."

And that's it folks. That is our purpose in life, Love God, and love people. Everything else will follow. Everything else will fall into place.
That is God's whole message.

I Love You.


Isn't it wonderful we have a day designated to celebrate that fact? :)

After what God said struck me, I stood there for a while in silence. It's amazing how something so complicated can be reduced to something so simple. I leaned my head forward against a black shiny board, trying not to cry. I breathed out. I lifted my head up and stepped back. My breath had created a perfectly shaped heart on the board. It never does that...This is where I failed at not crying...

Jesus had just shown me what love is all about.

My friends

that is


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