Friday, February 26, 2010

So many thoughts...

Lots of thoughts lately....lots of thoughts. Can't quite put the right words to them yet, but there will be some blog posts when I can. For now, a preview of some of them:

She's older than me, yet somehow I know I'm more mature...I'm better for you. Better influence...but isn't that just me being way prideful? Aren't these thoughts bad in the first place?

what happened to me? What happened to us? Is it all about her now?

God? Do you care?

Of course he cares.

Some of my deepest feelings are of anger at injustice and protecting those I love...why? what does that mean? what does anything mean?

God. God is the answer. Love. God is Love. Love is the answer.

Why is it so hard to love?

How do I feel like I know so much and know so little at the same time?

Is it bad that I'm secretly happy whenever I here debates between christianity and other religions cause I know I'm right. Cause I know that my side will allways win in the end. Or is that being prideful as well?

Is it out of love? no, but I'm still happy i'm right.
I like being right...

thats selfeshness
selfeshness is wrong, love is right

Where is the worship of you God?

Can't they see what they're missing? The chance is right in front of them, why don't they take it?

Where is the worship of you?

Why am I judging them instead of focusing on worship?

Why do we look at the world as centered around us? Why Sin nature? Why sin?

Darn you satan.

...stupid snake...

Why is it so hard to act without thinking of what others will think of you?

Why are we wired that way?

Why fear?

So many questions.

So yeah, you see why I don't have words. The End.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is it?

First it starts softly
And you don't know it's happening

Then it gets bigger,
harder, faster,
not stopping

Then you see patches
of bright color on the ground

till it covers everything
in sight all around

It continues its pace
Sometimes harder
Sometimes not

Sometimes it look happy
Sometimes distraught

Now forceful
Now lazy

Now angry
Now hazy

Now it's just a wish..
Oh wait! It came back!

Now it's dancing
And it's hard to keep track

Oh, now it's beautiful!
Steady and slow

Building and packing
Continuing to grow

At night it turns blue
but it keeps on going

Gaining strength in the night
without you even knowing

It goes all night long
Yet in the morning
it's gone

All but the evidence
Piled up on the lawn.